Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mission: Pride Parade

This weekend was the Gay Pride Parade in SLC, and it was mine and Michelle's goal to go. Our friend Brooke was going to be a volunteer, so we thought it would be perfect. However, Brooke decided not to go, so Michelle and I decided not to.

However, instead, we decided to go on an epic date.

It started with Mimi's cafe. This little tradition goes back to high school when our girl, Jen, decided to take us for a girl's night. We fell in love instantly, and ever since, that's the place we go any time we need extra estrogen in our lives. So, perfect for our girl date.

Then, we checked out Barnes & Noble, where we just looked around (mainly in the Romance section) for an hour or two. Afterwards, we decided that we didn't spend enough time with books, so we headed for the library. But, in the end, we mainly just checked out a lot of movies.

Now, this is next part was the best part of the date; Victoria's Secret. Michelle helped me get a new bra, and then we each bought some sexy new underwear. I think this is the best part about girl dates cause you can't buy underwear on any other kind of date. Can you imagine how awkward that would be? "Hey Frank, would this underwear match my bra?" Even when you're married you don't go underwear shopping together. At least, not anyone I know.

The date ended with the movie Michael Clayton, which just made me sleepy, so I didn't even bother trying to keep my eyes open. Oh Well.

It was a happy girl date that didn't necessarily celebrate gay pride like we had originally started out to do, but we can live with that:)

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