Thursday, March 11, 2010


You watching American Idol? Well, I am
And a week or two ago, me and my bro were watching it, and we decided that we both want dreads (like the girl with the dreads on American Idol).

So, this sunday, while watching the Oscars, I started dreading my brother's hair. He looked silly since his hair was so short. We decided to redo them when his hair grew. (so...summer). I am reluctant to do it cause I don't want to shave my head when I'm done with them. What do you think? Should I get them? I really want them...but do I really?
Help me! Please let me know!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Numb Eyeballs

I just got back from the dentist!
Even though I floss every night, every six months my dentist still finds one or two cavities during my cleanings.
(I guess it's making up for all the times I didn't brush when I was a kid.)

Well, usually when i get a cavity filled, my tooth doesn't get numbed all the way from the shots they give you. So, during the drilling, I'm constantly holding back tears as I feel the burning sensation reaching back all the way to my toes.
I'm a pretty shy person. Stupid, too, cause I never want to tell the dentist to stop cause I'm about to pass out. (plus, with two sets of hands and a dozen or so dentistry tools in your mouth, it's hard to get a word in).

This time, at the very first sound of drilling, I made a mumbling sound of pain.
Yes! I did it!
The dentist quickly removed all the equipment and digits out of my mouth, and shot me up once again.

However, once he started drilling again, I noticed that my eye was feeling very heavy and dry. The laughing gas mask started feeling a bit heavy too. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't hide it for long, cause once I was done and tried standing up from the chair, my face felt like it had just gone through intense plastic surgery...still does.

I rushed to the bathroom down the hall to check out my face. There were the usual crazy lines on my face from the gas mask, and my shirt has a little ruffled, but other than that it wasn't bad. Then, I noticed that I couldn't talk. My face is frozen in a casket of jello. At least that's what it feels like. The only moveable part on my face were my eye lids and my bottom jaw. Those aren't helping too much, let me tell you. I can't even feel the oxygen flying into my nose! It's so weird.

The best part of this whole experience, though, was when I got in my car and started playing the Technicolor Phase by Owl City. Haha! Owl City and laughing gas is a great mix. I felt like I was floating on a cloud. It was just a bad idea to mix it with driving. Let's just say, I don't really remember driving home too much.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Embarrassing Stuff

A month or so ago, me and DJB (for those who don't know, DJB is my buddy working on the musical with me) went to check out money opportunities. I told him about the television show Bank of Hollywood, and we decided to apply. It was really simple. All we had to do was make a short video of our proposal.


Check out a few of our outtakes...

It's probably one of the saddest things ever!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

So my bro-in-law made a few posts were he took an animated film and picked actors for each character as if he were to make it a live-action film. I love this idea, so I've decided to do this with Sleeping Beauty.

First of all, I would make Kherington Payne from Fame my Aurora
Basically, I chose her cause she has that million dollar smile. I don't know if she acts that well cause I've never seen Fame, but I know she can dance and perform. In the original story of Sleeping Beauty, there are actually seven fairies, and one of the other gifts given to Aurora was the gift of dance. So...there you go. Singing can always be computerized and what-not, so that doesn't matter too much. Again, the main reason is that she is just beautiful and full of life (as Aurora should be)

Prince Phillip I chose James McAvoy
For Prince Phillip, I needed a semi-young actor who could act incredibly charming. This is James all the way. He is gorgeous and is no stranger to being the man of every girl's dream.

Malificent would be Maggie Gyllenhaal
I always thought Maggie would be an excellent villain. She's got the attitude, and she could totally pull off the wickedness of Maleficent. Plus, with such a strong character like Maggie, Maleficent would be more humanized and involved with the story; which I think is a must for a live-action remake.

The three good Fairies

Flora - Emma Thompson Fauna - Shirley MacLain Merryweather-Liza Minnelli
I don't want to explain this one too much. Mainly, I just think this would be a hilarious match-up of actresses.

King Stefan - No Clue. Anyone. I don't care.
The Other King Hubert - Phillip Seymour Hoffman
I couldn't find anyone specifically who I would want to play King Stefan, but Phillip Seymour Hoffman is my favorite actor, and so I chose him to be king Hubert. King Hubert is a very small role, but he is a difficult character to play because he is always switching from happiness to anger. Hoffman is so great at everything he does, so why now this.