Friday, February 19, 2010

TMA 292

Okay, so I love film history! It is so fun to learn about all the influences that come into play when it comes to the types of films being made. So, my film history class (part 2) is full of just that. We learn, we watch, we appreciate. Such an amazing class (just as long as I can stay awake after having to wake up for my documentary class at 8:30).

Well, yesterday, we watched some international animation. We watched a few shorts that were fun and thought-provoking, but then we reached the feature-length film. If you haven't seen this film, you should, but only if you are daring. It is based off of the story Alice in Wonderland, and is a mix of live-action and you can imagine.

It's called Alice, made in 1988 by Jan Svanjmajer, a czech filmmaker.
This movie is CRAZY! I loved it, but hated watching it, if that makes any sense. Weird, I know, but I'm really glad I saw this. I think if I was outside of my class I wouldn't watch it though, so just heads up.

This is what TMA 292 is chalk full of. So, I guess this is for those of you who don't understand why I watch for homework. We don't watch movies like, The Proposal, or Miracle. No. We get to watch Alice, Los Olvidados, and Asphalt Jungle.

So, next time you see me lounging around watching movies, think twice, cause it might not be as enjoyable as it seems.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a big huge paper on Alice my last semester of grad school. I love that movie (but, you're right, it's not fun to watch. it makes me queasy).

    The best way to show your friends and family how retarded they are for envying you is to set up a movie night where they have to watch stuff like this. Or Begotten (youtube it if you dare) or How Tasty Was my Little Frenchman. I'd love to see mom sit through even Aguirre!
