Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sherman's March & Promises

Time for a new movie post, and so I have chosen two of my favorite documentaries: Sherman's March & Promises.

Sherman's March is my favorite of all Ross McElwee's films. He does such a fantastic job of analyzing his own life through film. He always starts with an idea for a documentary, but ends up paying attention to his own personal matters more than the actual subject at hand.

In Sherman's March, Ross follows the trail of Sherman's march to the sea. On the way he ends up meeting several single women, and films them instead.

I love the cinematic shots and conversations with each girl. Every one he meets is different and unique and he does a great job in showing the audience their weird quirks (which is what makes them so amazing).

My absolute favorite documentary is Promises, a film about the political and religious conflicts in Jerusalem. B.Z. Goldberg, an Israeli-American, meets with a handful of children from different parts of the city. Although the children live close-by, they all live completely different lives.

This movies hows the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis, and how the prejudice starts even as children. This is definitely a movie I need to own. I don't know why I don't. It's funny, it's ten
se, it's educational, and it's heart-breaking.
The best movies are the ones that can make me laugh one minute and cry the next. So there you go, Proof!
Now, go and watch it:)

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